I don't know if my brother would kill me for posting this, but i'll post it anyway, wehehehe! This is the reason why my camera got some scratches on it. I showed him the scratches and chips on my camera tonight... good thing that he said "sorry" for it, because that is all i needed to hear from him... like what i always say to him "Real man says sorry", hehehe! Anyway, as he explained it to me... it was a bit windy while he was landing, he put the camera on the "dashboard" and then when he landed he had to press the brakes and that's when my camera fell off... oh well... that's part of life, hehehe! here's the video of his landing...
I was thinking of how I could use this as a metaphor in explaining some essential lessons in life but i can't think of any as of this point. All that comes into my mind (which is a bit related to aircraft and flying) while writing this is the sticker that was posted on my study table when I was little. It says "If God is your co-pilot, switch seats". For some reason, I've come to always remember it in every step of my journey. It stuck to my mind as it tells me that I should give the control of my life to the one who knows it best, my Captain, God. Many times when I would reflect on the many things that happened in my life, I get to ask myself if I tried to control my life instead of letting God be the one in control, if I tried having it my own way instead of letting God lead me, if I tried following my own will rather than putting God's will above all else. And yes, there were many times that I tried to grab the wheel and the control shifts... and guess where it crashed me... to a world of hurts, pains and lack of peace. I thought I knew what I wanted, but the thing is, what I wanted may not necessarily be what is best for me. I could go on and on stating my experiences when I've tried to follow my own strategy and it was like running on a threadmill, I was so stressed and tired but I never get anywhere. And then it will hit me... that sticker-reminder would somehow surface out of the blue telling me to switch seats with the one who knows how to properly run my life, hehehe! It has always been a good reminder for me... and this is the reward of those who put their trust by letting God rule in their lives--- a life of peace, joy, love and grace among many other things. Yes, you will always be secured having God in your life.
On the white board I had in my room, I have written this verse from Psalms 16:7-10a because it reminds me of the promise and blessing you have with Christ in your life. It says...
"I will praise the Lord who counsels me, even at night, my heart instructs. I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave."
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